10 Huge Benefits of Using the SUPMOGO Regenerative Wearable Belt - SUPMOGO RecoveryFlex System

10 Huge Benefits of Using the SUPMOGO Recovery Flex System Belt

Are you tired of all the medications, ointments, and pain relief sprays to treat your never-ending back pain?

Are you spending hours in the gym but still not gaining your desired results?

Is your piercing menstrual pain not letting you fulfill your dreams or do your daily routine?

If yes, then we've got great news for you!

At SUPMOGO, we know what you face and have the ultimate solution to all your problems. A dedicated team of doctors and fitness enthusiasts came together to help YOU solve all your problems. You heard that right!

The revolutionary SUPMOGO Recovery Flex System Belt is the first of it's kind to use water-activated advanced targeting technology to target the root cause of your pain and increase your gains while you're resting or active. 

Keep scrolling to unveil the tremendous benefits of our SUPMOGO Recovery Flex System Belt!

Here’s what you’ll learn.

  • 10 Benefits of Supmogo Recovery Flex System Belt
  1. Provides Menstrual Pain Relief 
  2. Core Strengthening Ability
  3. Posture Correction
  4. Assists in Buring Calories
  5. Increased Blood Circulation 
  6. Support Muscle Recovery 
  7. Takes Care of Sciatica Patients
  8. Prevents Vertebrogenic Pain
  9. Alleviates Back Pain
  10. Assist In Post-partum Recovery 
  • Why Do You Need Supmogo Recovery Flex System Belt?


10 Benefits of Supmogo Recovery Flex System Belt

Provides Menstrual Pain Relief 

Woman on the right of the image is looking down turning on her SUPMOGO Regenerative Wearable, to her left is says "menstrual pain relief"


The intense spasms you feel in your abdominal area during your menstrual cycle hits as hard as if someone was continuously stabbing you. Most women reach for hot towels as soon as they return after spending a whole day of strenuous work. However, the last efforts to heat the towel feels like moving mountains. 

But listen up! SUPMOGO is the best period pain relief device that can actually take the burden off your shoulder. The SUPMOGO Recovery Flex System Belt provides a revolutionary function soothing menstrual cramps with heat without the stress of heating towels or heating pads.

This cramp relief machine generates heat by using your bodies natural functionality. The heat generation and muscle contraction stimulate the release of beta-endorphins and enkephalins into the bloodstream to modulate pain throughout the body.  

According to research in 2018, heat therapy effectively treats primary dysmenorrhea (severe and frequent menstrual cramps and pain during your period). [1]

Here are some bonus insights on 9 Strategies For Period Relief.

Core Strengthening Ability

Two men getting ready to work out with stretches wearing their SUPMOGO Regenerative Wearable, on the top left there is text that says "core strengthening"

One of the primary reasons why you should use a fitness wearable belt is to strengthen and stabilize the core and intensify your workouts. The SUPMOGO belt helps burn calories 5x faster, boosts your metabolism, improves muscle strength, and enhances recovery.

According to research, Electrical Muscle Stimulation increases energy expenditure and reduces muscle fatigue. The SUPMOGO Recovery Flex System Belt uses water-activated EMS technology that drives minerals from your nervous system to induce muscle contraction and maximize your results. [2]

Posture Correction 

Whether you are working long hours or busy watching Netflix, one common problem is improper posture leading to back pain and other related disorders.

Most of the time, we don't really notice if we are sitting with proper posture or not. It may feel comfy at the time, but your overall posture health can turn into dust!

Wear the SUPMOGO back support belt whenever you indulge in any activity, especially if it has a high chance of deteriorating your posture. It will assist you in maintaining proper posture through muscle strengthening while you perform your everyday chores, such as lifting weights, picking up things from the ground, walking, running, etc. 

Assist in Burning Calories

Keeping an eye on your daily calories, keeping yourself aloof from fast food, and still not getting results?

The SUPMOGO belt will hold your hand and help you walk down the path to optimal weight loss. This belt's Electronic Muscle Stimulation technology will increase overall energy expenditure, boost metabolism, and burn more calories during the resting state. 

Increased Blood Circulation 

Blood circulation plays a significant role in maintaining and regulating our body's natural processes. If the blood circulation lowers or gets disturbed, many diseases and health conditions such as hypertension, Peripheral Arterial Disease, and Coronary artery disease (CAD) can occur. [3]

But how does SUPMOGO combat these diseases?

SUPMOGO Recovery Flex System Belt channels natural heat therapy using EMS technology that regulates blood circulation in the body and keeps the body’s processes flowing smoothly.

Heat generation and muscle contraction together speed up blood circulation.

Support Muscle Recovery  

If your body has not recovered after yesterdays intense workout it can destroy your mood and diminish energy levels for the entire day.

That's because you're not giving your muscles enough time to recover properly. Lactic acid may accumulate in the muscles causing cramps, spasm, and muscle aches.

When you give adequate time to your muscles to recover from a workout, a biochemical repair system stimulates your muscles and helps them rebuild stronger than before. 

The SUPMOGO Recovery Flex System Belt can speed up the recovery process with its advanced targeting technology that stimulates and support muscle recovery and growth. 

Even research shows that neuromuscular electrical stimulation increases muscle mass and strengthens the core. Moreover, it pushes lactic acid out of the muscles, providing the area underneath the belt with increased oxygenated blood flow. [4]

Takes Care of Sciatica Patients

An older male with tattoos holding his back in relief because his SUPMOGO Regenerative Wearable is working it's magic on his sciatica pain. On the top right it says "say goodbye to sciatica"

Sciatica is a chronic pain that derives from the sciatic nerve – the nerve flows from the lower back to the hips and the legs. Sciatica patients suddenly encounter this throbbing sharpness, making them want to scratch their skin and pull that nerve out. 

Most medical specialists suggest opting for heat pads to control sciatica pain. SUPMOGO is a lifesaver, it channels natural heat therapy to flow blood circulation and calm down the aching nerve. 

Prevents Vertebrogenic Pain

Vertebrogenic pain feels like a sharp and instant pain in your lower back. It occurs when the endplates between your vertebral body and the discs get disturbed, changed, or slipped. The SUPMOGO belt uses advanced targeting technology to provide relief from vertebrogenic pain.

Research shows that EMS technology treatment helps recovery from lower back pain caused by degenerative disc issues. [5]

Moreover, this belt helps give the core enough strength not to let the disc move and initiate any trouble.

Alleviates Back Pain

Back pain troubles highlight the most need for belts. Mostly, back pain starts because of sore muscles, tight back muscles, back stiffness, or health conditions such as arthritis.

SUPMOGO targets the root cause of back pain and treats it efficiently. It features water-activated technology that takes energy from the natural minerals in water and feeds it to our muscles. According to research, moist heat therapy provides better results in treating muscle soreness than dry heat therapy. [6]

Assist In Postpartum Recovery 

Woman holding her new baby wearing her SUPMOGO Regenerative Wearable belt and on the top right it says "postpartum recovery"

Postpartum is a sensitive time when your body is going through many things. Your body faces lots of vaginal discharge, fatigue, weight loss, back pain, constipation, abdominal discomfort, and much more. Most things that disturb you during this period go around your abdominal area. 

Our group of researchers gathered to find a way to assist our queens in recovering from postpartum. SUPMOGO acts as a guardian angel for new mommies and provides strength to their core, decreases muscle cramps, and soothes abdominal discomfort. Moreover, our belt also gives your back the primary power to carry your baby during these strict times. 

Suggested Article For You - Supmogo Is The Best Pain Reliever For Menstrual Cramps | 5 Reasons Why!

Why Do You Need SUPMOGO Renegerative Wearable Belt?

SUPMOGO Recovery Flex System Belt is a wearable belt that revitalizes the abdominal area of your body and provides 10 amazing benefits. It eases menstrual pains, strengthens the core, corrects posture, assists in burning calories, supports blood circulation, stimulates muscle recovery, aids back pain issues, helps to recover from postpartum, and lowers sciatica pain and vertebrogenic pain.

Still, if you have any doubts if the SUPMOGO belt works or not, read some SUPMOGO reviews. Try it and let the belt do all the talking for itself! 

SUPMOGO offers a 60-day money-back guarantee so you have nothing to lose. Get your hands on the SUPMOGO Recovery Flex System Belt today!


SUPMOGO logo on the left with QR code for Linktree, in the middle is a picture of the blog author Huma Khurshid, to the right of her it says "Huma Khurshid" "Health Nutrition & Fitness Copywriter" "(877) 900-6646" "info@supmogo.com" "www.supmogo.com"

[1] Jo, J., & Lee, S. H. (2018). Heat therapy for primary dysmenorrhea: A systematic review and meta-analysis of its effects on pain relief and quality of life. Scientific reports8(1), 1-8.

[2] Hsu, M. J., Wei, S. H., & Chang, Y. J. (2011). Effect of neuromuscular electrical muscle stimulation on energy expenditure in healthy adults. Sensors11(2), 1932-1942.

[3] Zemaitis, M. R., Boll, J. M., & Dreyer, M. A. (2017). Peripheral arterial disease.

[4] Lake, D. A. (1992). Neuromuscular electrical stimulation. Sports medicine13(5), 320-336.

[5] Arneja, A. S., Kotowich, A., Staley, D., Summers, R., & Tappia, P. S. (2016). Electromagnetic fields in the treatment of chronic lower back pain in patients with degenerative disc disease. Future science OA2(1).

[6] Jo, J., & Lee, S. H. (2018). Heat therapy for primary dysmenorrhea: A systematic review and meta-analysis of its effects on pain relief and quality of life. Scientific reports8(1), 1-8.


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