8 Types of Injections for Back Pain | Purpose, Benefits, Risks & Side Effects! - SUPMOGO RecoveryFlex System

8 Types of Injections for Back Pain | Purpose, Benefits, Risks & Side Effects!


A mysterious reason for back pain can be found everywhere, waiting for the slightest mistake to creep in. You either slept wrong, sat with an improper sitting posture, over-exercised, were inactive, picked up something heavy from the ground, or had a variety of other reasons. 

Most of us ignore it until it becomes chronic pain and then go straight to a physician or doctor to get treated. The primary non-invasive treatment most doctors trust for relieving back pain instantly is pain relieving injections or the SUPMOGO Recovery Flex System Belt.

Let's look at the best eight types of injections for back pain that doctors trust.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this article.

  • The Primary Reason Why Doctors Prefer Injections
  • 8 Types Of Injections Doctors Trust For Back Pain 
  1. Epidural Steroid Injections
  2. Medial Branch Nerve Block 
  3. Nerve Roots Injections
  4. Lumbar Sympathetic Nerve Blocks
  5. Radio-frequency Ablation
  6. Facet Joint Injections
  7. Sacroiliac Joint injections
  8. Regenerative Therapy Injections
  • Another Effective Approach To Beat Back Pain | Supmogo Recovery Flex System Belt

The Primary Reason Why Doctors Prefer Injections

It's obvious, isn't it? Injections for back pain are injected directly into your body (mostly around the area of your spinal cord). They start doing their magic instantly after getting injected into your body. 

In the case of oral medicines, they first reach your digestive system, liquidize the texture of the tablet, reach the bloodstream, and then hit the targeted tissues. 

Long process, eh? That's why doctors prefer injections as the syringe is shot straight into the muscles and starts doing its magic.

8 Types Of Injections Doctors Trust For Back Pain 

Female doctor administering a patient with an injection on her back to relieve her back pain. To the left of the doctor it says "injection risks & side affects"

If you're thinking, what type of injections are given for back pain? Have a look. We've listed 8 injections along with their risks and side effects if they have any.

1. Epidural Steroid Injections

Epidural Steroid Injections are one of the primary types of steroid injections for back pain. These are instant yet temporary pain relievers. They are injected into the epidural area and promptly deliver pain relief medicine to the muscle. Your body absorbs it and quickly relieves pain.  

These spinal injections for pain are preferred if you feel intense pains in your legs or arms from inflamed spinal nerves. According to research, an epidural steroid injection efficiently treats spinal nerve root inflammation. [1]

The following are the most common types of epidural injections for back pain.

  • Lumbar epidural steroid injection
  • Lumbar transforaminal epidural steroid injection
  • Caudal epidural steroid injection
  • Cervical epidural steroid injection
  • Thoracic epidural steroid injection

Risks & Side Effects:

Generally, epidural steroid injections don't cause any problems. However, if any, it can be mild anxiety, menstrual changes, water retention, and sleeping problems. 

2. Medial Branch Nerve Block 

Medial branch nerve block is mainly used to identify facet joint syndrome. A condition where your cartilage inside the facet joint gets damaged or breaks down, signaling pain in the surrounding nerve area. It can feel like acute low back pain.

This type of nerve block injection is given to identify whether the lower back pain is triggered by facet joint problems or not. If yes, you'll feel pain relief within a week that lasts for months. 

However, if the pain is still making your life hell, then the source is different. 

Research also recommends that medial branch nerve block is the best diagnostic test for identifying facet joint pain. [2]

Risks & Side Effects:

Some of the common side effects of this injection are pain and soreness at the injection site. However, serious damage can be bleeding, bladder problems, and nerve damage. But, don't you worry, it's very rare.

3. Nerve Roots Injections 

Besides improper posture, some major underlying reasons your lower back hurts. Sometimes it's sciatica, disc herniation, or degenerative disc disease. 

For such significant health conditions, a proper treatment procedure is required. Nerve root injections work like a wonder!

These are commonly known as nerve blockers as they temporarily block the aching nerves from feeling pain. 

Moreover, it is used before and after surgeries, as it works as local anesthesia that numbs the area from feeling pain. According to research, selective nerve-root injections of corticosteroids work more significantly than the bupivacaine injection (local anesthetic to the numb area). [3]

Risks & Side Effects:

Elevated blood sugar, allergic reactions, infections, and soreness are some side effects that can appear rarely.

4. Lumbar Sympathetic Nerve Blocks

The lumbar sympathetic block is another great type of injection for back pain and sciatica. It interrupts the pain signals sent through nerves to the brain, making your brain process less or no pain.

A 2019 research demonstrated that lumbar sympathetic nerve blockade is effective for back, abdominopelvic, and leg pain related to cancer and its treatments. [4]

Risks & Side Effects:

You may feel temporary soreness, a feeling of warmth, and a little weakness after injections of lumbar sympathetic nerve blocks.

5. Radiofrequency Ablation

According to Cleveland Clinic, Radiofrequency Ablation is one of the most commonly used injections for back pain relief. It transmits heat to the affected area to disable the nerve and tissues of that area. As a result, the nerves can't transport the pain signals to your brain, and you'll feel relief. 

Risks & Side Effects:

If you're undergoing radiofrequency ablation, you might feel a bit of a burning sensation in the targetted area. Moreover, that burning feeling may last for some time as a side effect.

6. Facet Joint Injections

Facet joint injections are injected into your body if you're suffering from facet joint syndrome. It is an outpatient procedure, meaning you can go home after the doctor injects you—no worries about staying in the hospital for a day feeling weak and bored.

Research also demonstrates that these injections are great for diagnosing and managing facet joint pain in patients. [5]

Risks & Side Effects:

Some side effects are associated with back pain injections, such as elevated blood pressure, irritability, anxiety, lower immunity, and mood swings.

7. Sacroiliac joint injections

As a medical student, you must be aware of the sacroiliac joint. However, if not, it is a joint placed where your spine connects with the pelvis region. 

Sacroiliac joint injections are given straight into the joint where you feel pain in the sacroiliac area. These back injections for pain work effectively and are beneficial in diminishing back aches while providing relief within 2 to 3 days. [6]

Risks & Side Effects:

Some side effects include infection at the injected site, slight nerve damage, weakness, or an allergic reaction.

8. Regenerative Therapy Injections

Regenerative, the word speaks for itself. These Regenerative Therapy Injections regenerate your body's ability to heal itself. It draws the regenerative cells to the affected area, uses your body's natural healing power, accelerates it, and provides relief from pain. [7]

Risks & Side Effects:

A temporary inflammation might occur at the injected site because of the regeneration process. 

You may be interested to learn - The 15 Best Essential Oils For Back Pain | Sore Muscle Relief!

Another Effective Approach To Beat Back Pain | SUPMOGO Recovery Flex System Belt

Older man with tattoos on his arms is running away in a part with the SUPMOGO Regenerative Wearable Belt on his back for his back pain. To the left it says "beat back pain with SUPMOGO"

While injections have a look of being scary and painful, some of your faint-hearted friends or even yourself may find it hard to get ready to get injected into their buttocks. 

With the unique SUPMOGO Recovery Flex System Belt you can treat back pain without having to guess and pinpoint where the root of the pain is coming from. The SUPMOGO Recovery Flex System Belt is equipped with Advanced Targeting Technology, it can synchronize to your body and rehab the area that is causing you pain, not just alleviate the pain symptoms.

This belt will never leave you alone during hard and aching days when you cannot move your body even for an inch.

No side effects!

No risks! 

Only pain relief!

The Final Takeaway!

Whilst seeing plenty of different types of injections for back pain and their efficiency in relieving pain, you must be thinking about other ways to get rid of these chronic back pains instantly without the injection for back pain. SUPMOGO Renegerative Wearable Belt is a remarkable back pain reliever belt that can assist with pain in the lower back, acute back pain, chronic back pain, degenerative disc disease, and sciatica patients.

If you're interested in knowing more about the SUPMOGO Belt, head to our website and learn more about the benefits of this all-natural belt and its technologies.  


SUPMOGO logo on the left with QR code for Linktree, in the middle is a picture of the blog author Huma Khurshid, to the right of her it says "Huma Khurshid" "Health Nutrition & Fitness Copywriter" "(877) 900-6646" "info@supmogo.com" "www.supmogo.com"

[1] Patel, K., Chopra, P., & Upadhyayula, S. (2021). Epidural steroid injections. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.

[2] Lawson, G. E., Nolet, P. S., Little, A. R., Bhattacharyya, A., Wang, V., Lawson, C. A., & Ko, G. D. (2020). Medial branch blocks for diagnosis of facet joint pain etiology and use in chronic pain litigation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(21), 7932.

[3] Riew, K. D., Yin, Y., Gilula, L., Bridwell, K. H., Lenke, L. G., Lauryssen, C., & Goette, K. (2000). The effect of nerve-root injections on the need for operative treatment of lumbar radicular pain: a prospective, randomized, controlled, double-blind study. JBJS82(11), 1589.

[4] Spiegel, M. A., Hingula, L., Chen, G. H., Legler, A., Puttanniah, V., & Gulati, A. (2020). The use of L2 and L3 lumbar sympathetic blockade for cancer-related pain, an experience and recommendation in the oncologic population. Pain Medicine21(1), 176-184.

[5] Le, D. T., & Alem, N. (2022). Facet Joint Injection. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.

[6] Wu, L., Tafti, D., & Varacallo, M. (2022). Sacroiliac joint injection. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.

[7] Igwe, N., Patel, N. C., & Aijaz, T. (2022). Regenerative Therapy In Pain. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.


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