Does PCOS Cause Painful Periods? | What You Need to Know!

Does PCOS Cause Painful Periods? | What You Need to Know!

You start getting those annoying PMS symptoms long before your period appears. what's to come. Cramping, bloating, and nausea may appear frightening, but they are warning signs of what is to come.

However, if you've suddenly started getting uncomfortable during "that time of the month" along with severe abdominal pain, things might have gotten a little out of hand. Of course, mild cramps and aches are part of nature's call, but anything unbearable needs medical attention.

If you're growing hair in places you've never had it before and gaining weight like crazy, you might suffer from the dreaded PCOS, which affects every 1 in 10 women.  [1]

Don't worry; PCOS is not a disease and can be treated with the right medications. Follow along to learn more about this condition and its effects.

Here's what you'll learn in this article:

  • What is PCOS?
  • Does PCOS Cause Cramps?
  • Are Periods More Painful With PCOS? 
    • Heavy Bleeding
    • No Periods
    • PCOS Painful Periods
  • PCOS Period Pain Vs. Endometriosis
  • 4 PCOS Period Pain Treatment
    • Lifestyle Changes
    • Medicines
    • Therapies
    • Best for Painful Periods-SUPMOGO RecoveryFlex System Belt

What is PCOS?

PCOS, or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, is a condition that happens to women during their fertile years. As a result, the flow of periods is affected. If you have this syndrome, chances are that you get irregular periods or no periods at all. They might be accompanied by heavy bleeding, cramping, and back pain. 

PCOS occurs when the number of male hormones in the body, called androgens, increases. As a result, you might grow thick hair on your face, gain weight, and have a disturbed menstrual cycle. 

Technically speaking, this condition results from fluid-filled sacs that develop in your ovary. The sacs are called cysts, and they contain immature eggs. As a result, ovulation is affected and might also be stopped entirely.

If you want to confirm if you have PCOS, it's wise to get an ultrasound done to see if you have any cysts in your ovaries. If not, your healthcare practitioner will guide you as to why you have these symptoms.

Does PCOS Cause Painful Periods?

If you think PCOS causes the painful periods you have each month, you might be wrong.

Yes, cramps can be severe if you have polycystic ovary syndrome. But many other conditions can also affect the flow and symptoms of a regular period.

Some of them may be:

  • Adenomyosis.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Cervical stenosis
  • Endometriosis

Does PCOS Cause Cramps?

Yes, PCOS can cause cramps. This is because the hormone levels in one's body can be severely affected due to cysts in the ovary. According to a study, PCOS results in painful cramps and bloating.  [2]

This is particularly severe during periods, but many women have cramps without bleeding due to elevated PCOS symptoms. 

Are Periods More Painful with PCOS?

Period pain from PCOS is a common problem, and the condition has a negative impact on menstruation. The imbalance of hormones in your body can have devastating effects on your periods and overall health. 

So, periods are more painful if a person suffers from PCOS. This is because the odd number of hormones can cause bloating and PCOS cramps. However, a female who has severe polycystic ovary syndrome frequently experiences irregular cycles or no periods. In such a scenario, having painful periods might be a relief because at least you're getting them.

Yet, the condition is treatable and does not pose a significant risk to one's health if the necessary precautions are followed. If you want to learn the different types of effects PCOS has on your periods, then here's a breakdown:

1. Heavy Bleeding

Heavy bleeding is not uncommon, especially if your cycle is more than 40 days long. This is because when the process of ovulation doesn't take place, it can end up confusing the uterus on about when to shed its lining.

As a result, bleeding is delayed for more than 28 days (a regular menstrual cycle). "that time of the month.' All those elevated hormones and ovary cysts can cause a lot of bloating and pain during the seven days.' 

PCOS Period Pain Vs. Endometriosis

Though PCOS and cramps are not an unusual combination, having painful menstruation might be something more severe than PCOS.

Endometriosis is a condition in females during which the tissue that is supposed to grow in the womb starts growing in other places, like the tubes and ovaries.  [3]

Dysmenorrhea is a common symptom, with constant cramping and bloating before and during periods. Dysmenorrhea is accompanied by throbbing pain in the lower abdomen, especially during bleeding days. 

Endometriosis is a more severe condition than PCOS and usually requires medical attention and other procedures. So, if you have painful periods, you should get tested for endometriosis and PCOS to rule out the conditions. 

Also Read: How to Reduce Period Pain At Home | Best Relief Tips!

4 PCOS Period Pain Treatment

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, polycystic ovary syndrome affects around 6 to 12 percent of American women annually. Unfortunately, the numbers are growing due to a sedentary lifestyle and junk food. However, there is no secret to treating the condition and period pain.

Here are some changes and methods that'll help you get rid of the cysts in your ovary: 

1. Lifestyle Changes

You can feel noticeable changes in your condition once you get into the groove of healthy habits and clean eating. That's why doctors also recommend adopting a healthy lifestyle and losing weight to tackle the issue. So, if you have PCOS and heavy bleeding with discomfort, here's a list of things to start doing for your overall health and wellness:

Take a calorie-controlled and nutritious diet to balance the hormones. Try incorporating a lot of greens and fruits into your daily routine. Similarly, avoid fried food and bakery items

  • If possible, switch to a vegetarian diet or Mediterranean diet to help with PCOS cramp relief
  • Include any form of light exercise in your daily routine. You can try yoga, stretches,  . .  [4]

2. Medicines

Most cases of polycystic ovary syndrome don't need medical intervention or medicines. But if the problem is persistent and unbearable, you can opt for medication. A doctor will mostly prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen or contraceptive pills to relieve the PCOS symptoms. 

Depending on the symptoms and severity, you can be given the following medicines:

  • Ibuprofen
  • Naproxen
  • Diclofenac 
  • Mefenamic acid
  • Hormonal contraceptives

All of these medications may cause side effects. If you're pregnant or planning a pregnancy, you need to consult your physician about the medications you can take. Never self-medicate yourself, as it can have severe consequences. 

3. Therapies

Finally, therapies can aid in the relief of PCOS cramps as well as the reduction of other symptoms. Many tools are available on the market that provide a relaxing effect and help relieve period cramps. Here are some things you can opt for:

  • Buy heat pads to lower the cramping and pain during menstruation. Many people believe that a heating pad is more effective than taking ibuprofen for PCOS, and even research supports this
  • Acupuncture can also decrease the pain sensation by exciting the receptors and blocking pain impulses
  • Supplements or herbal products like fish oil and magnesium can also help calm the uterus and decrease your discomfort. These may work for some people but don't forget to discuss them with your doctor beforehand.
Also Read: Does Pickle Juice Help with Period Cramps?

    4. Best for Painful Periods- SUPMOGO Recovery Flex System Belt

    During periods, you feel irritable and have more mood swings than normal. Moving out of bed feels like a big task, but severe cramps and bloating don't even let you sleep.

    So, what should you do in this situation? Close your eyes and hope that when you open them, everything will be fine.

    Obviously, that's not going to happen! But we can tell you about a unique tool that will prove to be an absolute lifesaver for you. Check out the SUPMOGO Recovery Flex System Belt now, and it'll provide you with the following benefits:

    • It's risk-free and completely safe to use
    • It fits like a second skin and doesn't make you feel irritated
    • The Advanced Targeting Technology of SUPMOGO alleviates back pain
    • It naturally generates heat and helps to reduce cramps & bloating
    • It has an elegant and travel-friendly design, so you can easily use it during traveling and other outdoor activities

    So, what are you waiting for?  Start your journey to pain-free living today and say goodbye to period pain!

    Read 15 Menstrual Pain Reliever Tips By Click Here


    Now that you've got the answer, are periods painful with PCOS? It's time to make the required changes in your daily habits.

    Losing weight, eating clean, and exercising regularly will not only help you deal with the condition but will also aid in living a healthy and happy life.

    Besides, use the SUPMOGO Pain Relief Belt and bid farewell to painful periods!

    [1] Deswal, R., Narwal, V., Dang, A., & Pundir, C. S. (2020). The prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome: a brief systematic review 13(4), 261. Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences.through

    [2] Martin, M. L., Halling, K., Eek, D., Krohe, M., & Paty, J. (2017). Understanding polycystic ovary syndrome from the patient perspective: a concept elicitation patient interview study Health and quality of life outcomes, 15(1), 1–10.

    [3] Cramer, D. W., & Missmer, S. A. (2002). The epidemiology of endometriosis Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 955(1), 11–22

    [4] Deepika, M. L., Nalini, S., Maruthi, G., Ramchander, V., Ranjith, K., Latha, K. P.,... & Jahan, P. (2014). Analysis of oxidative stress status from the MN test and serum MDA levels in PCOS women PJBS, Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 17(4), 574-577.

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